Submit Abstract

**Abstract accepted format doc, docx, pdf
Abstract Submission Deadline: Oct 28, 2024
Early Bird Registration: Oct 31, 2024
Mid Term Registration: Dec 16, 2024
Final/Onsite Registration: Apr 10, 2025

Track Your Abstract

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Format: Abstract format accepted should be word or pdf. Abstract should have a Title, followed by author, co-authors names and their affiliations. Corresponding authors details should be provided correct which shall be used for further correspondence and update about the conferences. The main content should have the following sections: Background/Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, followed by the presenting author’s biography. Standard abbreviations should be used. The abstract should consist solely of text and must not include any tables or figures.
  • Word Limit: The abstract should not exceed 250-300 words, and the biography should be limited to 100 words. Please adhere to these limits, as exceeding them may result in rejection of your abstract.
  • Language: Abstracts must be written in English. Ensure the content is clear, concise, and free of grammatical and typographical errors.
  • Submission Process: Abstracts can be submitted online or via email to the address provided on the conference website.
  • Latest changes in the abstract can be accepted till 30 days before the conference.
  • Sample Abstract template can be downloaded from the website.

Review Process

  • C2P Forum and the organizing committee members of 3D Printing 2025 ensures a rigorous, high-quality and unbiased blind peer review process for all abstracts submitted to the conference, where both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous. The decision of abstract acceptance will be judged by a panel of expert reviewers emphasizing whether the findings and / or conclusions are novel and make useful contributions to the field including quality, plagiarism, format, etc.
  • The committee will determine whether the abstract is more appropriate for sessions submitted of the conference.
  • Abstracts must adhere to the aforementioned guidelines.
  • Acceptance notifications, along with an acceptance letter, will be sent to the corresponding author via email and WhatsApp.
  • Abstracts that do not meet the specified format criteria will be rejected.
  • Presenting authors must be registered participants. Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled for presentation.

Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • Presentation requirement: Suggested Presentation format: PPT.doc or PPT.docx. PowerPoints should be set to 16:9 screen ratio but, if your slide aspect ratio is different (e.g. 4:3) it can be shown but will not occupy the entire screen.
  • Each slide should be concise, uncluttered and readable from a distance; include only key words and phrases for visual reinforcement. Avoid lengthy text.
  • All the oral presentations should be done in English, the official language of the event.
  • Presentations should be limited to the given time frame, including 5 minutes allocated for discussion and Q&A.
  • Presentations can be delivered using a personal laptop or the equipment provided at the conference venue.
  • It is advised to check and presentation with the laptop in the meeting hall before presentation.
  • Video Recording is strictly not allowed.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Poster size and format: Your poster should typically be in portrait orientation. The recommended poster size 1 m wide by 1 m high.
  • Content: Include a clear, concise title that reflects the content of your poster. List all authors with their affiliations and it must include e-mail address, phone, and fax numbers. Use clear formatting to distinguish between authors and their affiliations.
  • Content and Layout: Organize your poster into sections such as Introduction, methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Use headings and subheadings to guide viewers through the content. Use visuals (e.g., graphs, charts, images) to convey key findings effectively. Keep text concise and use bullet points or numbered lists where possible.
  • Design and Visual Appeal: Ensure readability from a distance. Use large fonts for headings and key points. Maintain a balance between text and visuals to avoid overcrowding. Use colours and graphics that enhance clarity and attract attention without overwhelming the content. Use high resolution photographs, charts and graphs to illustrate data more easily(avoid large tables of raw data).
  • Clarity, Flow and Interaction: Clearly articulate the purpose, methods, results, and implications of your work. Make sure the flow of information is logical and easy to follow. Be prepared to discuss your poster with conference attendees.
  • Attendees are responsible for bringing their own printed posters.
  • All posters should be written and presented in English, the official language of the event.
  • Posters will be exhibited in the main event hall at the venue.

Video Presentation Guidelines

  • Presenters unable to attend the event in person can still participate through a virtual presentation.
  • Accepted format of video: MPEG-4 (.mp4) format and that the duration of the presentation should be strictly 20 minutes.
  • Video must be prerecorded with window displaying the speaker explaining instead of voice presentation.
  • Displaying the webcam of speaker is completely their own choice.
  • Video should not contain embedded videos.
  • Subtitles, and the fonts should be uniform in the entire recording.
  • Speaking should be slow, clear without any pause.
  • Avoid recording over phone devices.

e-Poster Guidelines

  • e-Poster submissions must be in English.
  • The file format must be PDF.
  • The individual does not need to be physically present to give their presentation at the conference.
  • Only e-Posters of registered participants will be displayed in the e-Poster Gallery on the Conference virtual platform.
